Privacy Policy

Iridius Capital LLC (“Iridius Capital”) is committed to protecting any personal information that you may provide to us. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of how we treat information about you that we may receive from the website located at (the “Site”). This Privacy Policy only applies to information collected on the Site.

1. What information does Iridius Capital collect?

Generally, you can visit the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. However, to access certain reports and confidential information, you will be required to login using your confidential password and registration information. Once you have logged in, you are no longer anonymous to us. Additionally, we automatically receive and record information from our servers and from your browser, including your IP address, the time, and information about the page you requested. Our web servers may also seek (as many websites do) to place a “cookie” (a small data file) on your computer’s hard drive, which allows the server to recognize the computer when it visits again. This allows us to track statistical information about navigation to and throughout certain areas of the Site. Cookies are not used to obtain your name or any personal data.

2. How does Iridius Capital use the information?

Iridius Capital uses the password and login information to restrict unauthorized access to confidential information. We may also use non-personally identifying information to better understand our users and their needs.

3. Will Iridius Capital share my personal information?

No, Iridius Capital will not share your personal information with any person or entity outside of Iridius Capital without first receiving your personal consent, or unless Iridius Capital is compelled by a binding legal order to share it.

4. What are my options?

If you do not want to provide your password and login information, you can choose not to access the confidential information available on the Site. You can still view some of the content offered by our site without signing in.

5. How will I know if the Privacy Policy is changed?

Any modifications to our privacy practices will be reflected first in this Privacy Policy. If there is a material change in our privacy practices, we will indicate on our site that our privacy practices have changed and provide a link to the new privacy statement. If we are going to be using the information collected from users in a manner materially different from that stated at the time of collection we will send affected users written notice of the change.

6. How can I update my personally identifiable information?

You can correct or change your personal information by sending us an email detailing the requested change or correction at

7. Privacy of children.

The Site is not directed to children under the age of 13. We operate our site in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and do not permit registration by, and will not knowingly collect or use personally identifiable information from, anyone under 13 years of age.
